he entire Team of GREAT DREAMS RADIO is consciously made up of vibrant and focused minded folks. Each team member by definition is remarkably an enthusiast, success driven and great goal oriented individual.
Members of Team GDRStation are mostly and tentatively the Youths with strong determination towards making the required positive changes, and ensuring no less the best a better tomorrow/society is secured through self-motivated initiatives. All targeted at making the world a better place.
Who We Are:
A committed TEAM consistently working together to achieve the greatness of being a “Trusted Source” disseminating Useful Information and Promoting Ideal Values all round.
Our Goal.
Disciplined and determined to breaking barriers, crossing the incredible hurdles and PROMOTING IDEAL VALUES in all ways.
Our Commitment.
Passionately maintaining the core values of team work towards being a SUPPORT SYSTEM to one another, and it’s essentially for all to thrive freely on no excuse to succeed. After all, it is One Humanity & One Universe.